Administration Menu – Admin User Admin User Options Manage Users Available Options: Change Password Reset a password for any active user in your account Edit...
Administration Menu – Standard User Standard User Options (Note: Some features may not be available, depending on user permissions assigned by your company admin.) Email...
Navigation Bar (First Row) The Navigation Bar extends the functionality of Total Party Planner while also providing traditional windows-based program functionality. Notifications (Bell Icon)...
Navigation Bar (Second Row) The Navigation Bar extends the functionality of Total Party Planner while also providing traditional windows-based program functionality. Calendar Month View/Week...
Manage Users (Admin Only) The Manage Users option under the Administration menu is only available to Admin level users. All users of the account are displayed here, with...
Email Setup Connecting your email provider directly with TPP is required to be able to send emails. The following is a guide...
Business Information Business Information Personalize your business information by navigating to Administration > Business Information in the red Navigation Bar. If you...
Profile & Preferences Your Profile & Preferences section under the Administration menu is where you define the defaults for your business. Note: Items...
Taxing Rules Video Watch the video above or scroll down for the written instructions. NOTE: Taxing Rules were updated in April...
Upload Logo Personalize your Logo by selecting Administration > Upload Logo from the Navigation Bar. Adding a New Logo To add a logo: Click...