Reports Overview Total Party Planner provides many useful reports to help organize your planning and follow-up for each event. Select Reports...
Combining Invoices Multiple invoices can be printed by date range and combined for a particular Contact. This will allow you to see each...
Combining Proposals Multiple proposals can be generated by date range and combined for a single Contact. This will allow you to see...
Query Generator The Query Generator allows you to create your own customized reports to get the information from Total Party Planner that...
Email Setup Connecting your email provider directly with TPP is required to be able to send emails. The following is a guide...
Vision Board Vision Board Overview The Vision Board is a basic graphic editor that gives you the ability to add a single...
Setting Up Automation Preferences Automation Preferences Automation Preferences let you set up daily emails for specific reports to be delivered to your team with...
Exporting Contacts Using The Query Generator This video will show you how to export a list of active contacts to a CSV or XLS file for...
Report of the Week Video Library Watch these videos to familiarize yourself with various reports in TPP! FINANCIAL Ledger: Food & Beverage Sales Report Contact Payments...
Creating an Event: Proposal & Proposal Parameters Watch the video below for an overview of the Proposal Parameters. Event: Proposal & Parameters (VIDEO)