Converting a Deal

Convert To Deal Button

At the top of each lead there is a button labeled Convert To Deal.

Clicking this button will open a pop-up window to create an event proposal in TPP that you can build and send to your client for review.

Convert To Deal Window

This window is very similar to the regular TPP Creating an Event pop-up window that you might be used to.

Contact (required field)

This should already be populated from the existing lead. If you need to change it to a different contact then you may delete the name in the field and start typing the new name of your contact to search your existing client database.

  • If the name is already entered, you will be able to select it from the results
  • If there is no match, you are able to save the name as a new Contact
Organization/Company Name

Enter the name of your contact’s organization or company to search your existing database.

  • If the organization/company is already entered, you will be able to select it from the results
  • If there is no match, you are able to save the name as a new organization/company
Deal Title

Enter a Deal Title like “Janet and Jason’s Wedding” or “Diamond Dogs Get Together” so you can easily recognize it in your Pipeline.

Event Status

Choose from your companies custom list of statuses.

Event Date

Enter the date of the event.

  • If you are not sure of the exact date, you can leave this blank for now or enter an approximate date to change later

Enter the approximate budget for the event, if you know it.

Event Occasion

Choose from your companies custom list of occasions.

Lead Source

Choose from your companies custom list of lead sources.

Service Style

Choose from your companies custom list of service styles.

Event Venue

Just like contact and company, entering a venue name here will search for a match in your database.

  • If the venue is already entered, you will be able to select it from the results
  • If there is no match, you are able to save the venue in your database for future use

Assign a label based on how likely you feel the lead will book with your company.

  • Hot – An almost guaranteed sale
  • Warm – Maybe any sale that has a higher than 50% probability
  • Cold – Any event that seem like it has a low chance of confirming

These labels and how they are applied should be defined by your team and used as you see best.


Choose which pipeline this deal will appear in.

  • Currently there is only one pipeline available, but the option for multiple pipelines will be available in a future release
Pipeline Stage

Define the stage of the deal in your pipeline based on your companies processes for sales.

Expected Close Date

Enter a date you expect to hear back from the client with a decision.


Define which salesperson is the owner of the deal for tracking and reporting.

Saving the Deal

Click the Save button to create the event in your TPP account and convert the lead from Open to Converted in your lists.

This will also add the event to your Pipeline, as shown below:


Updated on September 23, 2021

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