Custom Lists The Custom Lists area is where you can find many things you’ve added to TPP to customize it for your...
Adding/Editing Custom Event Statuses Custom statuses are user-defined statuses for events. Note: The system default statuses are Cancelled, Closed, Confirmed, Proposal, Inquiry, and Hold....
Navigation Bar (First Row) The Navigation Bar extends the functionality of Total Party Planner while also providing traditional windows-based program functionality. Notifications (Bell Icon)...
Navigation Bar (Second Row) The Navigation Bar extends the functionality of Total Party Planner while also providing traditional windows-based program functionality. Calendar Month View/Week...
Standard Event Notes Standard Notes allow you to create complete message templates to be easily added to events. Create/Edit a Standard Note First...
Email (Custom Lists) Email Body Messages Standard email body messages you can create to email clients quickly fromĀ Total Party Planner. Perfect for order...
Venue Groups (Custom Lists) Venue Groups This is used for defining the groups for your venues. This is used on Venue > Main Page.
Unit Measures (Custom Lists) When you add a new inventory item or menu item, you will be asked to define the purchase unit and...
Storage Locations (Custom Lists) Customize storage locations for your inventory items to make them easier to locate when printed on theĀ Event Worksheet.