Event Financial Defaults
Default Fees & Costs
You are able to set a default amount by Flat Rate or Percent to be applied to all new invoices for the following:
- Default Service Charge: Designate a default service charge as either a flat rate or percentage of marked items sold on events
- Default Gratuity: Designate a default gratuity to be charged on events, as either a flat rate or percentage of marked items sold on events
- Default Deposit: Designate a default deposit amount, as either a flat rate or percentage of the overall event cost
- Default G & A Cost Amount: Define a General & Administrative cost applied your cost of each event
- Auto Calculate Staff Billed Hours: Have TPP automatically calculate your Staff Billed Hours by checking here
- Auto Calculate Staff Actual Hours: Have TPP automatically calculate your Staff Actual Hours by checking here
Event Taxes
- Service Charge Tax Rule: Designate whether the service charge is calculated on the pre-tax or post-tax amount
- Gratuity Tax Rule: Designate whether the gratuity charge is calculated on the pre-tax or post-tax amount
- Other Fee Tax Rule: Designate whether the Other Fee amount are calculated on the pre-tax or post-tax amount
- Discount Tax Rule: Designate whether the discount is calculated on the pre-tax or post-tax amount
Check for Overdue Balance per Contact
- This option allows you to internally show all outstanding balances for a specific contact
- You choose which event statuses count against the outstanding balance for the client
- A notice will appear on the info tab for all the specific client events:
Other Fees
You can add custom fees to be added to every newly created event.
- Other Fee Name: Enter a custom name to appear on client facing documents
- Other Fee Applies To: Define what areas that Other Fees Types of Percentage calculate against
- Menus: Apply a percentage charge based on an event’s invoiced Menu tab total
- Beverages: Apply a percentage charge based on an event’s invoiced Beverage tab total
- Rentals: Apply a percentage charge based on an event’s invoiced Equip > Rentals tab total
- Other Inventory: Apply a percentage charge based on an event’s invoiced Equip > Other tab total
- Miscellaneous: Apply a percentage charge based on an event’s invoiced Misc tab total
- Staff: Apply a percentage charge based on an event’s invoiced Staff tab total
- Rooms: Apply a percentage charge based on an event’s invoiced Staff tab total
- Service Charge: Apply a percentage charge based on an event’s invoiced service charge total
- Gratuity: Apply a percentage charge based on an event’s invoiced gratuity total
- Taxes: Apply a percentage charge based on an event’s overall tax total
- Other Fee Type: Choose between Percentage, Flat Rate or Per Guest.
- Other Fee Amt: Define amount of fee.