Custom Lists

Total Party Planner allows you to customize many items within the system to fit your business needs.

These can be managed by navigating to Administration > Custom Lists.

Click on the List to Update to see all of the list options.

Explanation of List To Update Options


All Notes

Edit all of your saved notes in one place.

BEO Services

Actions that you may associate to an item when adding it to the Banquet Event Order.
Ex: Passed, Plated, Stations, etc.


Contact Manager Task Types

Types of tasks that can be assigned to users.
Ex: Email, Phone Call, Billing Check, etc.


Contact Types

Types of contacts within your system.
Ex: Social, Corporate, Event Planner, etc.



Containers types that can be assigned to menu items upon adding them to an event.


Discount Reasons

Customize the reasons available to define why a discount was applied to an invoice.


Email Body Messages

Standard email body messages you can create to email clients quickly from Total Party Planner.
Perfect for order confirmations or creating a signature to attach to an outgoing email.


Email Templates

Emails you wish to store for Mass Emailing contacts you have entered into Total Party Planner.


Event Occasions

An occasion is required to be assigned to an Event. The selected option will appear on your Event Worksheets and Proposals.


Event Service Style Categories

A service style is required to be assigned to an Event. The selected option will appear on your Event Worksheets and Proposals.


Event Statuses

Create statuses as a way for you to track the booking progression for an event.
Ex: Proposal to Confirmed to Closed
You can also customize the colors associated to statuses to quickly identify them on your calendar.
(See the article for Custom Statuses for more information.)


Event Times

Customize event time values for creating an event timeline.
Also, customize which timelines the times would be seen on (Contact, Calendar, Delivery, Staff, or Internal).


Event Types

Customize the type of your event.
Ex: Wedding, Birthday Party, Anniversary, Cocktail, etc.



Saved ways to divide section of your menu.
Ex: Appetizers, Entrees, Desserts, etc.


Inventory Categories

Customize the categories of your inventory classifications (i.e. Food, Beverage, Equipment, Other):

To change category, select the appropriate category in the drop-down.

Inventory Conversions

Edit existing food inventory conversions defined by your company while entering items into recipes.

Inventory Package Categories

A duplicate of the Inventory Categories section.

Invoice Messages

Edit available invoice messages.

Menu Item Categories

Customize the categories for your menu items.

Menu Item Stations

Customize your preparation stations for your menu items.

Menu Item Tags

Another way to search for menu items is to assign tags to them, such as “Seasonal”, “Gluten Free”,  or “Vegan”.
These can be used to search from the Menu Item > Full Search field or when adding a menu item at the event level.

Menu Package Categories

Customize your categories for your menu item packages.

Miscellaneous Categories

Customize the categories used to organize your Miscellaneous items.

Opportunity Outcome Reason

Customize the Opportunity Outcome Reasons to use with your leads/contacts.

Payment Methods

Customize the methods you accept as payment.

Payment Terms

Customize the terms of payment you accept.

Preparation Style Categories

Preparation styles define your recipe in more detail for internal use and reports.
Ex. When an item is used in a recipe, the requirement may be to slice, dice, chop, shred, etc.
A summary report can be created that will list out all event ingredients with associated preparation styles.
This is a great way to organize your bulk ‘prep’ items in one place to avoid duplicate work. Add to, edit, or delete from the lists, as your business requires.


Add and edit the types of referral methods you wish to track.
Ex. Radio, Newspaper, Web, Word of Month, etc.

Saved Queries

Edit the queries saved from the Query Generator.

Staff Titles

Quickly see what titles you can assign to staff and rearrange the order they appear in drop downs when adding to an event.

Standard Event Beverage Notes

Customize notes that will be available to add on the Beverages tab of your events.

Standard Event Menu Item Notes

Customize standard notes that will be available to you on the Menu tab of your events.

Standard Event Misc Notes

Customize standard notes that will be available to you on the Misc tab of your events.

Standard Event Notes

Customize standard notes that will be available to you on the Notes tab of your events.

Standard Event Other Inventory Notes

Customize standard notes that will be available to you on the Other Inventory tab of your events.

Standard Event Rentals Notes

    Customize standard notes that will be available to you on the Rentals tab of your events.

Standard Event Staff Notes

    Customize standard notes that will be available to you on the Staff tab of your events.

Standard Tasks and Notes

Use these to quickly add a frequently used note to a task or note in the Task & Notes section.

Status Reasons

Status reasons are able to be created to define why an event changed status.
Ex. If an event is in Proposal and a salesperson marks it as cancelled, you can require them to choose the reason for cancellation.
A lost revenue report based on the cancellation reason is available to be generated for a specific date range.

Storage Locations

Customize storage locations for your inventory items to make them easier to locate when printed on the Event Worksheet.

Unit Measures

Unit measures define units that inventory is broken down into.
Ex. case, bottle, pound, ounce.